Busy busy busy!

What a rammed year this has been. From murder mysteries- up to 5 per month, performing in Glittter Nips festival, Eastern Electrics as Alice in Wonderland and also as Sophie a French woman as well as Nora an Irish woman in Love in the Harbour.

Coming up there are more murder mysteries and also Other precooked engagements  for my character as Elsa from Frozen.

If you have any requests for an actor living in Brighton please let me know



Sophie Methuen – Turner’s excellent year!

2018 was a highly successful year for Sophie. It started with being cast as Diana, Princess of Wales for Lady C in Castle Goring. It was a genuine struggle – not only as a performer but as an individual – to pull off such a performance, but I was very fortunate in that Lady C was very happy with my portrayal.

After that, in August I celebrated 50 years of homosexuality being legal in the UK by appearing in The Leading Man – a play about a famous actress whose husband is gay and how she comes to terms – not only with his sexuality but with his betrayal and the fact that what he was doing was illegal.

October was also a pro active month when I appeared at The Ropetackle theatre in Romeo and Juliet as the Nurse.That ways a great deal of fun, and we received some great reviews which is always encouraging.

I rounded up the year as Storyteller Elf again in Churchill Square – telling children stories about Santa loving Lego.it was wonderful to share the magic of Christmas with children again.

In between these events I have performed in a variety of events including murder mysteries and as Queen Victoria for Phileas Fogg world.

What will 2019 bring? Only time will tell.


Sophie Methuen- Turner’s excellent year!

In terms of performing, 2018 was an excellent year. My challenging performance as Princess Diana occurred in June – Lady C was thrilled with the performance.

In August, celebrating 50 years of homosexuality being legal, I performed in Eugene Doyle’s The Leading Man. That was another challenging but exciting role- centred around a famous actress whose husband was a homosexual.

In October, I took on the challenge of Romeo and Juliet, by being cast as The Nurse. It received some amazing reviews. What an excellent venue the Ropetackle Theatre was.

In December, I rounded up the year by being Storyteller Elf- meeting and greeting children, telling them stories and playing interactive games with them.

All of this was in between various murder mysteries, Queen Victoria for Phileas Fogg World and adult story telling for Hove Grown festival.

Hopefully this year – 2019- will be as productive as the last!


Sophie Methuen – Turner releases her new showreel!

Good evening! So today was an exciting day. Finally I managed to upload my showreel. Showreel’s have become increasingly important in the industry. Previously, Actors had to travel all over the country for a couple of minutes casting. However, now it is possible to send over a showreel to casting directors and they will use it as a casting opportunity. This therefore means I can still be in Brighton, continue being an actress and working while continually applying for castings. Excellent!

Sophie Methuen – Turner’s been cast again!

At the moment, it is freezing! Oh my gosh it is so cold! I’m on the move again, to North Street this time – right in the centre of Brighton. Yay 🙂 However, there’s no central heating… wish me luck!

In other exciting news, I have been cast as the sister in a production about mental illness, called Maria. As most people know, mental illness is a cause very close to my heart, and so I am particularly pleased to be participating in this event in Brighton.

I also have a number of Murder Mystery events occurring over the next few weeks, and ( very excitingly) I am in the very early stages of creating new work with Ace Heartbreaker – so watch this space, as Lacey Drawes will be appearing in Brighton and around the globe with some more exciting performances.

Sophie Methuen – Turner is cast as Princess Diana in Castle Goring for Lady C

After a relatively quiet January, full of dark, cold nights, fleecy bed socks and huge jumpers, spring is on the agenda.

Performance related business has been booming. A few Murder mysteries are in the bag with different organisations and set ups. However, the major news is that I have been cast as Princess Diana in Lady Colin Campbell’s latest production, All About The Boys. It’s a huge challenge – impersonating such a key, much loved public figure is a real challenge, never mind the lines! However, hopefully it will pay off…. Already the play had appeared in The Daily Mail. Thankfully I haven’t been asked to do interviews yet!


Sophie Methuen- Turner becomes an Elf in Churchill Square

So in recent months I have been trying to get to grips with Mandy – the new name/ organisation replacing Casting Call Pro. I came across a job to be an Elf in Churchill Square shopping centre, Brighton, where for the majority of December I can interact with Kids and perform like a Disney princess. They even provide the Elf Costume. All I had to do was create a self tape. Well, all I can say is this self taping business is no laughing matter – it is really challenging. Anyway, eventually I managed something, and needless to say I have the job! Very exciting!! Love living in Brighton and being a Brighton actor. Please do come down and visit! Love Sophie Methuen – Turner Xxx

Sophie Methuen – Turner ‘s career develops

Well without a doubt the work is coming in thick and fast, and the callibre of work is increasing too – less of the ” we’re doing you a favour by letting you appear in our film without paying you” etc.

This weekend, I went right back to the beginning, back to the style of performing which made me want to be an actor in the first place – murder mystery. I did one of those in Uckfield, got lost and was given a lift to the venue by the vicars wife. Excellent. 

The following day I was hired to do a meet and greet in Newhaven. I love it when people respond in the moment, spontaneously to your work. I also love improvisation and developing the characters. I get a real buzz, a real passion, from performing directly to an audience – I live off their reactions and the adrenaline rush from just before the performance.

Moving house again Friday – anyone got a double room get in touch asap!


Sophie performs at the Komedia And at Castle Goring.

Wow, what an exciting weekend that was. First of all, I performed as a walkabout artist for Friday the 13th, a Halloween creepy Ball. I painted my face white, my eyes black, and I had an axe coming out of my head. Scary! 

I am now able to talk about one of my secrets. When I agreed to it, I also agreed to remain silent, but I have now been given the go ahead to talk about it. So..

The following evening, I was invited to Castle Goring, where I performed a rehearsed reading as Princess Diana. It was a wonderful experience. Lady Colin Campbell was very nice to me. She has such lovely long hair. Her costume designer said that while I was doing the reading, when she closed her eyes she could see Diana. What a lovely thing to say! 

More things in the pipeline.